The wellbeing of our students is a key priority for Heathmont College. We are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment.


Wellbeing at Heathmont College

Heathmont College’s Wellbeing Team provide solutions focussed interventions to support school engagement and learning.

The role of our Wellbeing Team is to facilitate successful learning outcomes for our students by reducing social, emotional, and economic barriers to education and the development of safe

and inclusive school community.

Student Wellbeing provides a safe space where you can talk things through, and explore ways to address your issues, in a safe and private setting. Staff aim to empower you to build on your strengths.

The Wellbeing Team aim to work collaboratively with students, staff, parents/guardians, along with community organisations and local agency to offer students at the college access to support.

What we offer

The Wellbeing Team can help students with issues such as friendships, mental health, bullying, social issues, abuse, drug and alcohol use, self-esteem & resilience.

The Wellbeing Team offer a range of services that aim to support our students and their families including:

  • One-on-one social and emotional support
  • Referrals to internal and external services/resources where appropriate
  • Social and emotional group programs
  • Liaising with staff and teachers to work out best ways to assist students.
  • Positive mental health promotion and liaison with school-wide programs relevant to wellbeing
  • Support for students in need (books, uniform, food, etc).
  • Offering support to families who are experiencing hardship.
  • Working with Out of Home Care students


Wellbeing team

Our Wellbeing Team is made up of therapeutic professionals to provide guidance and support to students.

Our team includes the following:
  • Head of Wellbeing: leads the Wellbeing Team together with managing referrals, supporting students, managing services, program development, coordinating wellbeing programs, liaising with DET & community organisations, and supporting staff.
  • Social Worker/Counsellor: assists students to reach their potential, by providing strategies and specialised support at individual, group and school levels. Working in collaboration with a variety of services, they provide direct support and early intervention services for students identified as at-risk and/or experiencing or demonstrating mild to moderate mental health concerns.
  • Mental Health Practitioner: provides direct counselling support and early intervention services to individuals & groups, as well as contributing to whole school health & wellbeing plans, building the capability of teaching staff & school leadership to manage student health and wellbeing.
  • Secondary School Nurse: focuses on primary health care, health promotion, health education & prevention in areas including sexual health, alcohol & other drugs, physical & mental health, healthy eating, oral health and safe environments.


Wellbeing partnerships

  • Clinical Psychologist: provides therapeutic support at the college. Students can access this service by obtaining a Mental Health Care Plan.
  • Student Support Service Officers (SSSO): are employed by DET. Professionals include psychologists, speech pathologists and social workers who provide tertiary advice, consultancy, support for critical incident response and assessments amongst other work.

Confidentiality and informed consent

Information you provide to the Student Wellbeing Team is confidential and staff will always try to seek your consent and include you in decisions about your health and safety where they can.

Wellbeing staff will share your confidential information when:

  • You ask them to, or
  • Wellbeing Staff ask for your permission to share information and you consent. Student Wellbeing staff will only share your confidential information without consent when:
  • They are required to do so by law.
  • They are concerned about your immediate safety or the safety of others, they can disclose this information to make sure that you and others remain safe. If necessary, information may be shared with principals, wellbeing staff, house leaders, parents or external services.


You are protected by laws that set privacy requirements such as how we collect, use, handle and destroy personal and health information.

  • Wellbeing Staff will collect personal and health information to assist you by undertaking an assessment of your needs, managing and responding to any issues of concern, and making a decision about the best way to support you.
  • We are committed to protecting your privacy, in line with the law set out in the Health Records Act (2001) and the Information Privacy Act (2000).


Need a bit of extra help?

Contact these Australian crisis lines or professionals:

Lifeline (24/7)13 11 14
Kids’ Helpline (24/7)1800 551 800

Beyond Blue (24/7)1300 224 636
Headspace (9am – 1am)

Support for 12-25 years

1800 650 890

Safe Steps (24/7)

Family Violence Response Centre

1800 015 188

Raising Children

Australian Parenting Website
Parentline (8am – midnight)

Service for parents & carers

13 22 89