2025 College Tours


We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all students and their families considering joining the Heathmont College school community for 2026 and beyond. Our tours are designed for families of students that are currently attending primary school and looking to transition into secondary school.

All College tours commence at 9:15am sharp and conclude at 10:00am. It is recommended that you allow time to park and arrive 5 minutes prior to commencement.  Visitors parking area is located off Marlborough Road with an easy walk up to the office.  Tours commence from our main reception area and upon arrival please see our reception staff and give your name.

To allow for a more personalised experience, tours are capped at 20 attendees per tour.  If you are interested or would like to visit a particular area during the tour, please advise the staff when booking and we will try to accommodate your request.

If you have any queries regarding our tours or wish to book, please phone the college on 9871 4888.


Term 1




Tuesday 11thTuesday 4th (fully booked)Friday 4th
Tuesday 18th Friday 7th (fully booked)
Friday 21stTuesday 11th (fully booked)
Tuesday 25th (fully booked)Tuesday 18th
Friday 21st
Tuesday 25th 


Term 2





Tuesday 22nd Friday 2ndTuesday 3rdTuesday 1st 
Tuesday 29th Tuesday 6thTuesday 10th 
Tuesday 13thFriday 13th 
Friday 16thTuesday 17th
Tuesday 20thTuesday 24th
Tuesday 27thFriday 27th 
Friday 30th


College Tours are unavailable during Term 3; tours will recommence Term 4 with dates to be advised at a later time.