Transitions Grade 6 to Year 7
Transition from Primary to Secondary Education can be an exciting time as students explore various opportunities.
Here at Heathmont College, we encourage families to take part in the many College activities leading up to this transition, to enable the journey to be as smooth and seamless as possible.
College activities include visits by our transition team to local primary schools throughout the year and events run at the college where students enjoy Maths, Art, Science, PE and Library IT activities and challenges.
Students are welcomed into our Transition Program and supported with a variety of pastoral care initiatives, including our Peer Mentor and Personal Development programs.
How to Enrol
Government primary schools will distribute Transition Packs to all grade 6 families. Please complete the Application for Year 7 Placement Form and return it to your primary school. Families will be notified in Term 3 of their child’s placement. All enrolments received will be considered.
Families attending non-government primary schools can contact Heathmont College on 9871 4888 for a Transition Pack.
You have a guaranteed place if you live in the Heathmont College school zone. If you are not sure if you are in the school zone, please use the Find My School website to find your zoned school.
All school policies can be viewed and downloaded from the Our Policies page.
- Your enrolment will be considered if there is a sibling enrolled in another year level at Heathmont College