Heathmont College Uniform

At Heathmont College we are proud of our student uniform. Our uniform was developed through extensive consultation with students and parents. Students at Heathmont College wear their uniform with pride.

  • Please click on the link to find our Heathmont College Uniform Price List: 2025 Uniform Price List
  • If you are in the Sports Academy Program and wish to purchase extra uniform items, please collect a ‘Sports Academy Additional Uniform Order Form’ from the General Office. This can be collected by either student or parent or emailed upon request. 

Our uniform is sold through ‘Klad’, a private company with a shop situated on the college grounds. 

This uniform shop at the college is open:

  • Tuesdays: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
  • Thursdays: 12:00m – 2:00pm

All orders for the uniform shop can be made by completing the Uniform Price List form below and dropping it in the student payment box at the Student Reception Window. Payment for uniforms can be made in Cash or Credit Card. Cheques are not accepted. All EFTPOS transactions must be over $20. Orders can be collected by students after school on Tuesday’s and at lunchtime on Thursday’s.

Uniforms can also be purchased directly from Klad at their shop in Noble Park:

  • Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5:00pm
  • Saturday – 10:00am – 2:00pm                                                                                                                                                

Address: Unit 4- 409 Princess Highway, Nobel Park 3174
Phone: (03) 9558 5858


Student Dress Code

Why We have a Uniform

The Heathmont College Student Dress Code outlines Heathmont College’s requirements for student dress and appearance and provides information, dress code implementation and exemption processes. This dress code has been developed by Heathmont College’s School Council in close consultation with our school community to ensure that it respects the rights of individual students whilst reflecting the values and interests of our community.
The Student Dress Code aims to:

-Foster a sense of community and belonging and encourage students to develop pride in their appearance
-Support Heathmont College’s commitment to ensuring that our students feel equal and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities
-Ensure Heathmont College students are easily recognisable in and out of school settings
-Reduce student competition or disadvantage based on clothing
-Enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community

The School Council has developed a dress code that we believe provides a range of choices for students and is cost effective for families. Students are expected to comply with this Student Dress Code while traveling to and from school, during school hours and when attending school activities


How We Wear Uniform

While at school, travelling to or from school or participating in school activities, Heathmont
College students must comply with the following:

• Uniforms must be clean and in good repair
• Uniforms must be clearly marked with the owner’s name
• Additional layers of clothing may be worn underneath the uniform for added warmth,
provided these undergarments are completely hidden.
• All school uniform items are available to be worn by all students. There are no
gender specific restrictions on clothing items.
• All school uniform items can be worn at any time of year. Students are empowered to
select weather appropriate items.
• Sports uniform, including sports footwear, must be worn for PE and sport classes.
Sports uniform may also be worn anytime to enable self-transport to school and
recreational recess activities.



Students are strongly encouraged not to wear decorative jewellery to school. Stud earrings
and sleepers, medical/SOS tags, watches, and cultural/religious items, are acceptable
jewellery. Light cosmetics may be worn at school.



• Shoes must be black leather lace up or buckled shoes. No platform heels, no suede.
• Sports shoes must have non-marking soles.
• Socks must be black or white and must cover the ankle. No logos visible. Black tights
are allowed.


Head and Hair

• We recommend that longer hair is tied back to help restrict the spread of headlice
and for student safety (e.g. science, cooking, wood tech, PE etc).
• There is no exemption required for cultural or religious headwear, navy headscarfs
are preferred.
• As we are a secondary school, we expect students to take responsibility for being
sun smart by wearing a school hat during outdoor activities.


Secondhand Uniform

The Sustainable School Shop encourages re-use and re-cycling through innovation and technology, enabling schools and families to look for a second-hand item first before buying new. Families can buy or sell textbooks, uniforms, school bags, calculators etc. through the Sustainable School shop and our school receives a small percentage for each sale. https://www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au/