Description/ Educative Purpose: All Year 10 students completing the Core Humanities subject this semester will participate in a whole-day Geography fieldtrip to Half Moon Bay (in Black Rock) and Middle Brighton Beach to gather fieldwork data for their Coasts unit. The Common Assessment Task for this unit will be a fieldwork report that will be completed using the data students collect on this day. The ability to collect data on the day of the fieldtrip is one of the key skills assessed in this unit. Students will travel by chartered coach from Heathmont College and will be accompanied by staff at all times. Students must bring with them a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses for sun protection. Students must also bring a clip board, pencil case with pens and grey led pencils and a drink bottle. Students will be required to use their mobile phone, or a digital camera, to take photos of geographical features as part of the field data collection. Students can bring their lunch and snacks or money to purchase them from kiosks at the locations we will visit on the day. Students will arrive back at school by bus at approximately 3pm for dismissal. Students will not be permitted to swim or wade on this field trip. |
Heathmont College follows the guidelines and health, and safety measures recommended to manage the risks associated with Coronavirus (COVID-19). Details can be found via the following link: – |
Teacher in charge of event to provide mobile phone number and nominate the first aid trained staff for the event. |