This workshop is part of a community project run by the VCE – Vocational Major Students. The aim is to educate the Year 7 cohort on the importance of understanding their own and others challenging behaviours such as bullying and violence and the impact this can have on the communities around them. The VCE VM students have organised for a representative from Victoria Police to come in as a guest speaker and present to the Year 7’s on this issue.
Where: HOPE Centre
When: During the Year 7 SWEL class
Length of Session: 1 hour
Staff: Year 7 SWEL Teachers will accompany the students to the workshop.
Guest Speaker: Victoria Police
Full School Uniform to be Worn
Parent consent is required for this event.
Topic: Challenging Behaviours Workshop
Most days young people deal with the challenging behaviour, this behaviour can be our own or seen in those around us. This workshop is to assist the Year 7 cohort to be able to identify and understand the types of behaviour that are challenging such as bullying, harassment, dangerous play and risk taking. It aims to assist students to build strategies in how to deal with these behaviours/situations and understand the processes to follow to ask for assistance.
VCE – Vocational Major Students will also attend the workshop and have a reflection worksheet/ pamphlet prepared for the students to complete and take home.
For students not attending the Workshop:
There will be activity sheets on the same topic provided to the students and they will be in a separate classroom with a teacher supervising.